

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New Year, New You!

We have continued our focus on academic development with goal setting. To start our lesson this week, first and third graders watched a fun video clip by the Kid President. Here is the video:

The kids found this video to be hilarious! The kid president reviews all of the things he was able to accomplish in 2014 while looking ahead to the New Year. This got our students thinking about what they would like to accomplish this year. However, the students needed to think about the steps they have to take in order to accomplish their goal. We reviewed that a goal needs to be realistic if they want to reach it. The first graders did a great job thinking about what they would like to accomplish in 2015. Here are two examples:

The third graders created their very own soccer ball books. In these books, the third graders had to prioritize their goals and select one that they wish to achieve by May. They were excited about decorating their books and did a fantastic job with them! Below are a few examples:

In order to hold the students accountable for their goals, we discussed that it is important to review their goals on occasion and change them, if necessary. Goals may change throughout the year, which is okay! I am just so proud of our first and third graders for taking these assignments seriously and applying them to their lives. They have some awesome aspirations! Together, we can make a difference!

-Mrs. Bagby :) 

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