

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

We have continued to talk about bullying this week in our kindergarten guidance lesson. I started this week’s lesson by reading the book, Bully B.E.A.N.S. by Julia Cook. The B.E.A.N.S. stands for Bullies Everywhere Are Now Stopped. This is a fun and interactive book that teaches the reader how bullying happens and it gives the reader courage to stand up to bullying behavior. The bully in this story, Bobbette, is constantly making verbal threats to the students in her class. The reader quickly learns that Bobbette is learning this behavior from her older brother. The students in the story are able gain courage from bully beans (jelly beans) to stand up to Bobbette’s bullying behavior. This is a great story and a must-read!

In order to emphasize the severity of bullying, each student was given a contract to sign that declares Gracemor Elementary School a bully-free school. This contract holds the students accountable to their behavior and will be sent home with the students. I also have made copies of their signed contracts in case an incident comes up and the contract needs to be reviewed.

This is the Gracemor Elementary School anti-bullying contract, which will be signed and sent home with the students.

The students were given several opportunities to talk about bullying with a shoulder partner. I heard some great conversations about bullying! Have a fantastic week J

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