

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Sneetches

For the past two weeks in first and third grade, we have been talking about the importance of respecting differences in others while also recognizing our own personal strengths and characteristics. I began the lesson this week by reading the book, The Sneetches, which is written by Dr. Seuss. This book brought up many topics including fitting in, treating others the way we want to be treated, and recognizing what makes us unique. At the beginning of the book, the star-belly sneetches think that they are better than the plain-belly sneetches. Toward the end of the book, however, the star-belly sneetches and plain-belly sneetches unite and realize that one group is not better than the other.

After I read the book in third grade, half of the students received a sticky note with a star on it. The students were told that if they had a star, it did not mean that they were better than a student without a star (much like the sneetches). All of the students formed a circle and I tossed a ball to a student with a star sticky note. I then gave one compliment to that student. That student then tossed the ball to a classmate without a star sticky note and gave them a compliment. This was done until each student received a compliment. Then, we went over how great it felt to give and receive a compliment. The third graders really excelled during this activity!

This is an example of the star sticky notes students put on their shirts during the activity.

In first grade, the students were given a worksheet and were instructed to complete the phrase, “I am unique because…” The students came up with creative sentences! After the students completed their sentence, they were able to color the sneetch. Once every student was finished, all students were given the opportunity to share what makes them unique.

This student wrote, "I am unique because I get darker [in the summer]."

This student wrote, "I am unique because I get the computer a lot."
Have a great week! :) 

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