

Friday, March 27, 2015

I Can Be Anything!

This has been a very fun week back! We just started our unit on career development, which has proven to be really exciting and full of fun! In kindergarten, we read the books, When I Grow Up by Al Yankovic and I Can Be Anything! by Jerry Spinelli. They are both fantastic books that explore some common and not-so-common careers.

Some of the more common careers explored in both books are firefighter, chef, movie director, investor, museum curator, and teacher.  Some of the not-so-common careers mentioned are snail trainer, gorilla masseuse, pickle inspector, arm pit deodorant tester, and foot model. The kids had a blast with these books (and so did I)! I wanted our kindergarten students to realize that they can be ANYTHING when they grow up. There are SO many options!

The kids then shared ideas of what careers they found interesting. I heard so many wonderful and unique career interests. Some ideas shared were ballerina, babysitter, police officer, actor, dancer, singer, football player, teacher, counselor J, firefighter, scientist, and engineer. Below are examples of what the kids created. They did a fantastic job!

This student wants to be a babysitter when she grows up.

 The kids and I really enjoyed this lesson and look forward to doing it again with kindergarten next year! J

Have a fabulous weekend!

-Mrs. Bagby

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I Like Myself!

Happy Wednesday! I continued guidance lessons with kindergarten this week. Our focus was on self-esteem and uniqueness. I began the lesson by reading the book, I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont and illustrated by David Catrow. This book is such a wonderful way to show the students that, even if they have flaws, they are ALL wonderful! I Like Myself! inspires kids to appreciate everything about themselves…on the inside and outside. Without uniqueness, the world would be so boring! 

The students were encouraged to reflect on what they like about themselves. As a class, we came up with a fantastic list of unique traits. Some examples from our list are, “I like my long hair,” “I am smart,” “I like my clothes,” “I am fast,” and “I am funny.” This was a great opportunity for the students to recognize and appreciate similarities and differences between one another. 

For our activity, I used a document by Cheerful Counseling on Teachers Pay Teachers. This is such a great resource! I added a place on the document for students to write their names as well as lines for the students to write about themselves. It was so fun to watch the kids really reflect and realize how great they ALL are! Below are a few examples:

This student likes that she is confident, fast, and strong!

This student likes his hair, Xbox, and the fact that he is smart!
This student likes soccer, her bike, and her clothes. 
This student likes that she is smart!
This was such a fun lesson. I can't wait to do it again for the kindergarteners next year! Have a great rest of your week! :)

-Mrs. Bagby

Friday, March 6, 2015

Read Across America Week

It has been so much fun with the book fair and Read Across America week! The kids have really discovered the importance of reading. One of our teachers uses the slogan, “Sit, Stick, and Read,” which the students have really latched onto. I love seeing so many wonderful and engaged readers!

With the book fair at Gracemor this week, I had the opportunity to look through some new and exciting books to read. One of my favorite new books is, The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt. The kindergarteners LOVED this book! This book explores an imaginative world where crayons have feelings and they are fed up with their owner, Duncan!

Blue is overused so he is much too little, beige is tired of being second best to brown, pink never gets used and is much too tall, and orange and yellow are in a feud about which color the sun should be. By the end of this book, the students were rolling on the floor with laughter. 

After I read this book to the class, it was time to put their new crayon perspective to use! I found this really adorable worksheet from PeaceLoveLearning.blogspot.com. The kids were so creative with this activity! Below are a few examples:

This was such a fun lesson that I look forward to doing again. I think that all elementary age levels would like this book! Have a great weekend :) 

-Mrs. Bagby