

Friday, February 27, 2015


The past few weeks have flown by! We have continued to focus on academic development this week. The third graders have worked very hard on forming an academic plan, which includes six steps. To make this lesson a little more interesting, each class was separated into six groups (steps). The steps for an academic plan are as follows:

Step 1: Have a good attitude
Step 2: Pay attention and listen
Step 3: Get organized
Step 4: Do all assigned work
Step 5: Prepare for tests
Step 6: Keep up your effort!

Each group worked hard on answering questions that related to their step and became experts. Below is an example of questions that each step had to answer:

After each team was able to answer these questions, it was time for them to teach the rest of the class! The third graders really enjoyed teaching each other about what they worked on. It was a great lesson that they can hopefully apply to their studies!

In first grade, we revisited the topic of tattling versus reporting. The students were taught that tattling means trying to get someone IN trouble when there is no one being hurt and no rules are being broken. Reporting, on the other hand, has the purpose to get someone OUT of trouble in an unsafe situation.

To test for comprehension, I read several scenarios where they had to tell me if it was tattling or reporting. Here are a few examples:

“Teacher, John is giving me silly looks!” (tattling)

“Kevin keeps stomping hard on my toes when we line up.” (reporting)

“Tommy has candy!” (tattling)

“I saw a second grade boy with scissors outside at recess.” (reporting)

“Sandy pushed me and knocked me down at recess.” (reporting)

After the students were able to tell me whether the scenario was tattling or telling, they then had to explain why. Quickly, the first graders could really tell the difference between tattling and reporting! Hopefully this will result in more reporting and less tattling. I am so proud of these kiddos!

Have a wonderful weekend! J

-Mrs. Bagby 

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