Since the new year, we have been busy learning about careers! The students created career portfolios and were encouraged to decorate them to reflect their likes and interests. Students learned the importance of portfolios and how they tie into their futures. Below are a few portfolio examples. They did such a great job!
For the next lesson on career development, the students were able to utilize Paws in Jobland, which is a fantastic website! On the website, students are able to take a "Job Finder" quiz, which connects their interests to career clusters and careers. This was such a fun activity that I would highly recommend. The students loved it! After the job finder quiz, students were instructed to write down three career clusters that aligned with their results. Below are a few examples.
Career development is so much fun! I can't wait to see what else the students can learn about themselves that connects with different careers. Until next time...Have a great week!
-Mrs. Bagby