

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Career Exploration

Since the new year, we have been busy learning about careers! The students created career portfolios and were encouraged to decorate them to reflect their likes and interests. Students learned the importance of portfolios and how they tie into their futures. Below are a few portfolio examples. They did such a great job!

For the next lesson on career development, the students were able to utilize Paws in Jobland, which is a fantastic website! On the website, students are able to take a "Job Finder" quiz, which connects their interests to career clusters and careers. This was such a fun activity that I would highly recommend. The students loved it! After the job finder quiz, students were instructed to write down three career clusters that aligned with their results. Below are a few examples.

Career development is so much fun! I can't wait to see what else the students can learn about themselves that connects with different careers. Until next time...Have a great week!

-Mrs. Bagby

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 2015 went by so quickly, I can't imagine how fast 2016 will be! To celebrate the new year and new beginnings, my counselor lesson was about creating new year's resolutions. With kindergarten and first grade, I read the book, Squirrel's New Years Resolution by Pat Miller and Kathi Ember. In the book, Squirrel felt bad that he didn't have a resolution when all of his forest friends did. His friends helped him realize, however, that a resolution is more about actions and that he already had one: help someone every day! This was such a cute and fun book to explain creating resolutions.

After I read the book, it was time to come up with our own resolutions! Thanks to www.teacherspayteachers.com, I was able to find an awesome 2016 foldable freebie! The students were able to brainstorm ways that they could be better in the new year. Some examples I got were as follows: help mom with the dishes, do all of my chores, finish my homework, be nicer to my friends, read a book everyday, clean up my mess, listen to my teacher, and come to school everyday. What awesome resolutions! Below is an example of their activity.

This student wants to listen to his teacher, read everyday, and go to school everyday.
Have a great rest of your week! Stay warm :)
-Mrs. Bagby

Monday, November 23, 2015

A Season of Giving

Happy Monday! It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving break is just around the corner. Because it is the season of giving, I thought…what better way to celebrate than to read The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein? This is such a wonderful book that shows the importance of giving to others even when we don’t have much to give. The kids LOVE reading this book just as much as I do!

After I read the book, I had the classes brainstorm ways they can give to others. I heard so many wonderful and giving examples. A few examples I heard are: Donate old clothes to others, give food to those who need it, help someone when they fall down, donate money to those who do not have any, and many, many more. I am so impressed with our giving and caring kids!

I had the students fill out a worksheet explaining what they can do to help others in our school. I have attached some of their examples.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

-Mrs. Bagby

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Juice Box Bully

This week, in second grade, we have been continuing our discussion on bullying. To emphasize how to recognize and stop bullying, I read the book, The Juice Box Bully by Bob Sornson and Maria Dismondy.  This is a wonderful book that teaches empowerment and how to stand up to bullying. Not to mention, the kids LOVE this book. By the end of the book, the kids had so many wonderful ideas about how they can stand up for other students who are being bullied.

The students thought of the following ways to stop bullying:
  •  Stand up for others who are bullied
  • Tell a teacher or adult if they see bullying
  • Tell the bully to “STOP!”
  • Be nice to the bully
  • Make friends with the bully

After the students shared ways that they could stop bullying, they put their knowledge to paper. Thanks to Cupcakes and Teaching on Teacherspayteachers.com, I was able to get an awesome freebie worksheet! This lesson was so fun and showed me how much the kids already know about how to stop bullying. This year is off to a great start!

-Mrs. Bagby

Monday, September 28, 2015

This Is A Bully-Free Zone!

Happy Monday! This month, we have been discussing the topic of bullying. At Gracemor and Fox Hill, we use the acronym, RIP (Repeated, Intentional, Power over another). To introduce the topic of bullying, I used this amazing video. It has great information and the kids LOVE watching the drawings.

After the video, I introduce Gracemor and Fox Hill Elementary School’s No Bullying Contract. Again, the acronym RIP is emphasized. The students then repeat the following pledge:

ü  I will not bully others.
ü  I will be kind to my classmates and adults.
ü  I will tell a teacher or adult if I see bullying.
ü  I will treat others how I would like to be treated.
ü  I will help others who are being bullied.

The students then sign at the bottom of the contract stating that they understand what is expected of them as well as the consequences of bullying. As a fun ending to this lesson, the kids can color fun anti- bullying posters, courtesy of Doodle Art Alley (Below).

Next week, we will continue our discussion on bullying. Have a wonderful week :)

-Mrs. Bagby

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What Is A Counselor In The Elementary School?

I encounter the question, "What is a counselor in the elementary school?" very often by parents, staff members, and community members. Because of this, I found a quick and easy way to explain my counseling program in a lesson format. At the start of the lesson, I introduce myself and begin to explain what I do! I have found this booklet to be useful for both students and parents. After explaining this booklet to the kiddos, they get an opportunity to color and decorate their own. Students are encouraged to take their booklets home and share them with their parents!

Have a wonderful rest of your week! 
-Mrs. Bagby